It all began on August
10th when I spotted a female monarch fluttering about my
milkweed. I had started growing milkweed several years earlier when
I first became aware of the decrease (90% over a span of two decades)
in these beautiful Lepidoptera. As many of you may know, milkweed is
the only host plant for monarchs. (Host plants provide a place for
the female to lay her eggs and the food source for the caterpillars.)
I figured by growing milkweed I was doing my part until I heard
about “cat mammas”, individuals “collecting” and “raising”
monarchs indoors. Monarch eggs are very small making it hard to
spot them, however, watching a female lay her eggs you need only to
wait and collect the leaf once she is finished! As I learned later,
it may also ensure that the egg/caterpillars are not parasitized by
the tachinid fly. So there I was collecting the leaves and bringing
them inside the house, and even though I had already read up on the
process, I was on a crash course in learning how to raise monarchs!
Monarch cats are born to
eat. They have a voracious appetite resulting in a 2000%+ increase
in their size over a two week period. And with all this eating there
is a lot of frass (poop)! During the larval stage the cat goes
through five growth spurts or “instars”. (At the first instar
the cat is between 2-6mm and by the fifth instar 25-45mm). Each instar takes between one and three days to complete with the exception of the fifth which can take three to five days. Temperature, humidity, light and quality of food effects this growth rate. With each
growth spurt stretch detectors signal that a newer, larger skin is
needed. The period between each instar is when the cat molts or
sheds. Shortly before molting your cat may not eat, remain still or
wonder off. When its ready the caterpillar spins a bed of silk on
which to anchor itself. This liquid silk is produced in the salivary
gland which is excreted through a tube-like structure called a
spinneret, located in the caterpillar's mouth. The head capsule is
expelled first and then the cat wiggles/walks out of its old skin.
Once out, the cat, you guessed it, eats the newly shedded skin!
By the fifth instar the
caterpillar has grown to about two inches in length and has become
rather plump. Once again, when ready, it will stop eating and wonder
off. This time however, its looking for a safe place for its final
transformation. This will typically be at the top of your enclosure.
DAY 15-19 “Hanging Out”
Day 17-31 DON'T CALL ME A
The average life of an
adult monarch is 2-6 weeks during the summer. They mate within days
of emerging and the female immediately begins to lay eggs. It is
possible to have multiple (2,3,4) generations in a single summer.
The exception are monarchs born in late summer which do not mate but
travel (the great monarch migration) to their winter destinations of
Southern California (western monarchs) and Mexico (eastern monarchs).
Here they will over winter in a semi-dormant state until they begin
the process all over again in the spring!
There is about a 10%
survival rate from egg to butterfly in the outdoors. However,
there's an upwards of 90% success rate with monarchs raised indoors.
Here are a few things I learned along the way.
- Grow your own milkweed and have plenty of it. Cats need fresh leaves almost daily void of any pesticides. It also suggested to rinse the leaves with a water prior to feeding them to your cats.
- Have the correct raising cages designed to keep the cats safe, provide adequate ventilation, light, humidity and are easy to keep clean.
- Although its no guarantee, starting with eggs or very small cats (first and second instar) reduces the chance of the cat being parasitized by tachinid flies.
- Cats are very sensitive to a magnitude of ingredients and when they come into contact with them or are poisoned they throw up a green liquid. Keep your raising area chemical free and off limits to all potential hazards including pets.
- To avoid smaller cats from becoming lunch for larger cats (fourth and fifth instars) keep them in separate containers. Do not overcrowd your enclosures and keep butterfly’s separate from caterpillars. If you suspect that a cat is sick, separate it from the others.
- Clean cages daily of frass.
- Wash and rinse hands well before and after handling milkweed*
- Learn to recognize common monarch diseases and parasites. However if already sick, the chances of survival are slim.
- Be prepared to euthanize sick cats and/or butterflies if necessary.
Out of the eleven I
started with from either eggs or very small cats, eight made it to
adulthood (73%). I released my first butterfly, a male, on September
*One final note, the sap
of milkweed can cause atopic dermatitis, inflammation, pain swelling,
burns and corneal damage to the eyes. Be very careful when
working/handling it.
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